The 4 Seasons of Vivaldi, Ave Maria and Famous Concertos

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January 1970

Presentation text of the work:

Rediscover the magic of classical music through this concert bringing together the most famous works of the repertoire.

Dynamic and eclectic, the Hélios orchestra has established itself since its creation in 2014.

Its artistic director, Paul Savalle, promotes the professional integration of young musicians through orchestral practice. Thus, young graduates mingle with orchestral musicians, conductors and experienced soloists, in optimal working conditions.

From baroque music to contemporary music, the programs are varied, the repertoire is both symphonic and choral, the orchestra associating with departmental and regional choirs.

Thanks to the collaboration with different conductors, the musicians approach a very rich repertoire by broadening their palette of interpretation. They all come from major French conservatories, some belonging to a national orchestra.

From the string quartet to the symphony orchestra, via the brass ensemble, the orchestra always expands its audience by modulating its composition. The "strings" formation occurs in the most prestigious churches of Paris, which allows the public to discover a very rich architectural heritage.

Its variable geometry training allows the Hélios orchestra to approach a very wide repertoire with passionate curiosity.

Program and cast

"Divertimento in D major, K.136" by Mozart,
"Bohemian Airs" by Sarasate,
Vivaldi's 4 Seasons "Winter",
"Carmen" by Bizet (Sarasate arrangement),
"Chrysanthemum" by Puccini,
"Pizzicato Polka" by Strauss,
"Clair de Lune" by Debussy,
"Chaconne" by Vitali,
"Legend" by Wieniawski,
"Ave Maria" by Caccini,
"Canon" by Pachelbel

Helios Orchestra
Solo violin: Glen Rouxel

Photo gallery

Church of Saint-Germain-des-Prés

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