Sonya Yoncheva

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PreviousAugust 2030


Since their meeting—which led to the young soprano’s breakthrough—William Christie and Sonya Yoncheva have never missed an opportunity to share the stage. Singing of France in the Age of Enlightenment, this programme brims with vitality and Italian flair.

Program and cast

Duration: about 1h45 with 1 intermission


Les Arts Florissants

William Christie, conducting

Sonya Yoncheva, soprano



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Ouverture de la Finta giardiniera, KV.196


Christoph Willibald Gluck

Alceste : Air d'Alceste "Divinités du Styx"

Orfeo ed Euridice, Ballet des Ombres heureuses


Antonio Sacchini

Œdipe a Colone - Antigone « Dieux ce n’est pas pour moi » (III,1)


Luigi Cherubini

Medée « Vous voyez de vos fils la mère infortunée »


Christoph Willibald Gluck

Danse des Furies

(extrait d'Orfeo ed Euridice)

Iphigenie en Tauride « Oh malheureuse Iphigénie »


Niccolò Piccinni

Didon (Acte III, scène 1) « Non, ce n’est plus pour moi »




Louis-Claude-Armand Chardin

« C'est mon ami »

Arrangement de l'accompagnement pour cordes


Johann Paul Aegidius Martini

Plaisir d’amour, romance

orchestration d'Hector Berlioz


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Extrait du Ballet d’Idomeneo - Larghetto pour Madame Hartig


Luigi Cherubini

Demophoon « Ah ! Peut-être mes dieux ! »


Christoph Willibald Gluck

Armide, Chaconne

Armide : Air d'Armide "Ah! Si la liberté me doit être ravie"


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Extrait du Ballet d’Idomeneo - Passacaille pour Monsieur Antoine

Extrait de La Clemenza di Tito KV 621 (Acte II, 15) - « Ecco il punto, o Vitellia ! ... Non più di fiori »

Les Arts Florissants

William Christie , conducting

Sonya Yoncheva , soprano

Philharmonie de Paris

Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

The Grande salle Pierre Boulez (Symphonic Hall) boasts innovations in architecture, stage design and acoustical engineering. Thanks to a modular design, its capacity increases from 2400 people in the symphonic configuration to 3600 when the parterre is converted into a standing room area.

All five levels of the Grande salle Pierre Boulez are accessed via the entrance on Level 3 of Philharmonie, which can be reached via stairways, escalators and two lifts, with direct access from the Porte de Pantin plaza and the Philharmonie parking facility.

From the entrance, stairways and lifts inside the hall take visitors to the various levels.

The Grande Salle Pierre Boulez has thirty designated seats for people with reduced mobility.

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