Mozart Requiem and Ravel Bolero

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PreviousOctober 2047


Boléro is the most performed classical music work in the world with a performance every 15 minutes. During its creation, the composer had given the copyright to his gardener without foreseeing its success with the general public. This work is the archetype of the ostinato. The melody is taken up in turn by the various instruments of the orchestra on a rhythmic formula with percussion.


The particular circumstances of commissioning this work, and the somewhat tragic conditions of its writing, on the deathbed of its author, feed the legend. In July 1791, Count Walsegg-Stuppach, under the seal of secrecy, commissioned a Requiem from Mozart for his wife, who died in February. The work was postponed until October, due to the overwork experienced by the composer taken by the Clemence of Titus and by the Magic Flute.

When Mozart died, the Requiem remained an unfinished work. In the final phase of his illness, Mozart had written the entire “Requiem aeternam”: from Kyrie to Confutatis, only the vocal parts and the basso continuo were written. For the Lacrimosa, only the first eight bars of the voice and the first two bars of the violin and viola parts. Sketches of additional parts have been lost. While he was bedridden, friends came to sing parts of the Requiem at his bedside.

Dynamic and eclectic, the Hélios orchestra has established itself since its creation in 2014.

Its artistic director, Paul Savalle, promotes the professional integration of young musicians through orchestral practice. Thus, young graduates mingle with orchestral musicians, conductors and experienced soloists, in optimal working conditions.

From baroque music to contemporary music, the programs are varied. As for the repertoire, it is both symphonic and choral, the orchestra associating itself with departmental and regional choirs.

Thanks to the collaboration of different conductors, the musicians approach a very rich repertoire by broadening their palette of interpretation. They all come from major French conservatories, some belonging to a national orchestra.

From the string quartet to the symphony orchestra, via the brass ensemble, the orchestra always expands its audience by modulating its composition. The “strings” formation performs in picturesque places that cannot accommodate a symphony orchestra, which allows the public to discover a very rich architectural heritage.

In short, thanks to its variable-geometry formation, the Hélios orchestra approaches the widest repertoire with passionate curiosity.

Program and cast

Requiem by Mozart / Bolero by Ravel

Helios Orchestra

Helios Ephemeral Choir


Concert Management:

Saturday February 24 Matthieu Cabanes

Friday April 12 Silvio Segantini

Thursday May 09 Xavier Saumon

Saturday June 15 Laurent Couson

Saturday July 13 Matthieu Cabanes

Saturday September 14 Matthieu Cabanes

Saturday September 28 Yann Molenat

Photo gallery

Church of the Madeleine

The parish of La Madeleine wishes to ensure a visible presence in the heart of Paris and to be attentive to our contemporaries. We speak of the base to describe the stone massifs that form the foundation of the church. But this base is also made of living stones made up of associations attentive to the wounded of life such as Ozanam Madeleine, the Espace Formation Informatique. The Foyer de la Madeleine serves more than three hundred meals every day at lunchtime with the aim of encouraging people to meet people who work or spend time in the neighbourhood.

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